Fragment insertion

This script introduces fragment(s) into a protein sequence at a selected position(s). Below are two typical examples of fragment insertions.

Example 1 : simple insertion of fragment

The user defines a unique site where the fragment will be inserted in the protein sequence.
To perform this fragment insertion at position 30 in WT sequence, use the following three parameters:


which corresponds to the sequence of the fragment to be inserted, followed by the starting and end positions of the site where the fragment should be inserted, separated by commas. Here, the fragment will be inserted between positions 29 and 30.

Example 2: replacing a region with a fragment

To replace the region between residues 5 and 15 (inclusive) by a fragment, use the following:


Fragment insertion

Type in your fragment sequence, the start position and the ending position, all separeted by commas (see examples above).You can provide several insertion patterns on separate lines. Example from above will be :


or upload your fragments insertion patterns from a file:

Wild-type sequence

Type in your sequence in the textbox or upload your sequence