Anopheles culicifacies A

March 31st, 2023

(source : Sujit Kumar Mishra)

Anopheles culicifacies is a complex of five species found in Cambodia, China, Ethiopia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Iran and Pakistan, and An culicifacies A is a malaria vector found in these last three countries.

The Culicifacies Complex includes five species informally named species A, B, C, D and E. The bionomics and ecology of the species within this complex have been largely studied in India and Sri Lanka, and there is a general lack of detailed information from other regions, especially the western areas of its range.

(source & for more information : Vectorbase)

Statistics of OBPs from Anopheles culicifacies:

Number of OBPs 24 14 11 2 51
N° with atomic structures (in PDB) NA NA NA
3D models NA NA NA NA
Docking results** NA NA NA NA

*(also known as duplex or atypical)
**(molecular docking was performed on 126 odorants that are known repellants and attractants for mosquitoes)
ND : undetermined
NA : Not Available

Search the genomic database for all OBP genes from Anopheles culicifacies

Modelled structures of Classic OBP from Anopheles culicifacies

Please cite
Manoharan M, Ng Fuk Chong M, Vaïtinadapoulé A, Frumence E, Sowdhamini R, Offmann B. Comparative genomics of odorant binding proteins in Anopheles gambiae, Aedes aegypti, and Culex quinquefasciatus. Genome Biol Evol. 2013;5(1):163-80.

Bibliographic references :

  1. Sinka et al. (2011) The dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria in the Asia Pacific region: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis, Parasites & Vectors 2011, 4:89.

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